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41 lines
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Here are some links I frequently use. Take it as some kind of jump in my
* <https://archive.org/details/WinXPProSP3Italian/>
* <https://github.com/jorgebucaran/awsm.fish/>
* <https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/schematic.html/>
* <https://dotfiles.github.io/inspiration/>
* How to create a drone from zero: <https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeuMA6tJBPKsAfRfFuGrEljpBow5hPVD4>
* <https://lnav.org/>
* Cool NeoVim rice: <https://old.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/13qmt2o/>
* EndleSSH: <https://github.com/shizunge/endlessh-go/>
* <https://github.com/Free-TV/IPTV/>
* NixOS beginner guide: <https://nixos-and-flakes.thiscute.world/>
* Old Firefox version containerized: <https://github.com/niclan/Javafox/>
* Ventoy theme: <https://github.com/vinceliuice/grub2-themes/>
* <https://github.com/Lakr233/GitLab-License-Generator/>
* Jool on OpenWRT: <https://forum.openwrt.org/t/update-nat64-jool-instructions/140617/>
* <https://ventoy.net/>
* <https://libretranslate.com/>
### Cool webrings
* [Geek Webring](https://geekring.net/)