# Default article background image # Credits: https://unsplash.com/photos/macbook-pro-JO_S6ewBqAk defaultBackgroundImage = "/img/home-bg.jpg" # Theme colorScheme = "blowfish" defaultAppearance = "dark" autoSwitchAppearance = "false" enableSearch = true # Article settings enableCodeCopy = true smartTOC = true smartTOCHideUnfocusedChildren = true [header] layout = "fixed" [homepage] # Show the background # Credits: https://unsplash.com/photos/macbook-pro-JO_S6ewBqAk layout = "background" layoutBackgroundBlur = true homepageImage = "/img/home-bg.jpg" # Show recent posts showRecent = true cardView = true showRecentItems = 9 showMoreLink = true showMoreLinkDest = "/posts" [article] # Show the author showAuthor = true showAuthorBottom = true # Show the background showHero = true heroStyle = "background" layoutBackgroundBlur = true layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace = true # Show the button to see the source code showEdit = true editURL = "https://git.nicolabelluti.me/nicolabelluti/blog/src/branch/main/content" # Show the sharing links sharingLinks = [ "linkedin", "twitter", "reddit", "whatsapp", "telegram", "pinterest", "facebook", "email", ] # Misc showHeadingAnchors = true showPagination = true showReadingTime = true showTableOfContents = true showTaxonomies = true showZenMode = true [list] cardView = true