+++ title = "A little bit about me..." layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace = false sharingLinks = false showAuthor = false showDate = false showEdit = false showPagination = false showReadingTime = false showTableOfContents = false showTaxonomies = false showWordCount = false showZenMode = false +++ I'm a guy passionate about IT, 3D printing, drones, and many other tech-related things. I haven't published any interesting projects yet, though I hope to entertain you with [my blog](/it/posts) and with the things I occasionally publish on my [Git server](https://git.nicolabelluti.me/). In the future I intend to deploy several services over some free VPS, like Monero and Tor nodes and various privacy-oriented frontends for social media, like [Austin Huang](https://austinhuang.me/) does with . ### My Setup My laptop is a second-hand Lenovo Thinkpad T480s with [Arch Linux](https://archlinux.org/) (btw), though I'm considering switching to [NixOS](https://nixos.org/). My phone is a Google Pixel 6 Pro with [Graphene OS](https://grapheneos.org/). *Almost* all the servers I use are mine, except for some VPSes here and there. ## How to Contact Me * Email: [nicolabelluti@protonmail.com](mailto:nicolabelluti@protonmail.com) * Telegram: [@nicolabelluti](https://t.me/nicolabelluti) Expect to see some open platforms like [Matrix](https://matrix.org) in the future! ## About this Website... No Google, no trackers, no cookies... * The website is entirely composed of static pages. It was created with [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/) and the [Blowfish](https://blowfish.page/) theme; * The source code is on my [Git server](https://git.nicolabelluti.me/nicolabelluti/blog) under the [GNU AGPLv3.0 license](https://git.nicolabelluti.me/nicolabelluti/blog/src/branch/main/LICENSE); * The domain is registered with [Cloudflare](https://cloudflare.com/) and is published thanks to [Pages](https://pages.cloudflare.com/), though I'm considering moving the site to my own servers and the domain to another provider.